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Robinwood Sky

Hello deer, my name is Noelle and I am the Herbteller. Some of you might know me as the Stitchteller, I am happily both. I craft stories with herbs, words, stars and thread. My work is about listening, observing, and connecting celestial dots. Finding the tangible in the imagined has its lessons and I do believe that the stories we tell are the myths that make us. These tales can reveal us, redeem us, and ultimately heal us through herbs, words, and art.

I live in the Oregon City woods with my loving David and dear daughter, Bird. We have a wild cat called Susan, one called Juno and a dog named Sherlock. It is our home, the Robins run it. We call it Robinwood. It has been one of the greatest honors of my small life to learn from this land. We talk a lot and the deer swing by to say good morning and good night. I do a lot of consorting with trees.

I take great pleasure in the little moments between things, when life is happening. Nothing is mundane or ordinary, every one has a story. If you see something that pleases you or you’d like something new, send me a hello. I’d be honored to craft a tale for you. E: